Consulting in Media: How to help Media Institutions address legal and regulatory issues
About This Course
Compliance to Legal and regulatory requirements in a media house is key to its viability. Also a media house in order to sustainably continue producing high quality journalism content needs to know how to operate within the legal and political environment available in a given period of time in a country. Media houses in East Africa, Tanzania in particular have weaknesses on this aspect and because of it have suffered fines and bans. This package is meant to prepare legal and regulatory experts to help media houses establish strong legal and regulatory systems and competence to successfully operate within any legal and political environment.
Learning Objectives
The traits of a viable media house and legal and regulatory requirements
State of media houses in relation to legal and regulatory requirements with case studies
How to help media houses address legal and regulatory issues
3 Lessons3h
What are the basic legal and regulatory requirements a media house needs to be viable
This topic discusses the key and basic legal and regulatory requirements a media house should meet to become viable.
Basic legal and regulatory requirements for a viable media house00:00
Legal and Regulatory Requirements
State of media viability in East Africa related to legal and regulatory frameworks, case studies from Tanzania
This topic aims to make you understand the state of legal and regulatory systems in media houses in East Africa with particular interest in Tanzania. It provides case studies from (small and medium sized media houses) radio stations assessed by TMF through its Media Viability Consultancy project.
How to consult in Media and help media houses comply with legal and regulatory requirements
In this topic you learn what consulting is, the traits of a good consultant and the key steps you will follow and some of the tools you will use to offer consultancy services in the media sector.